Sieg’s defensive power is through the roof, and he’s proven himself to be a rock-solid foundation for a heavy-hitting party, holding every last ounce of monster aggro. But that’s not enough to prevent his party from kicking him right out the door! Who needs defense when you’ve got devastating attacks, right? Them, apparently—without their tank, the losses keep piling up! Sieg, on the other hand, lands a job as a gatekeeper at the royal capital and starts rising quickly through the ranks. Can he defend against the hordes of attackers, earn the trust of his squadron and the lovely but quirky ladies within, and untwist the problems of the besieged city—all at the same time?
Sieg’s defensive power is through the roof, and he’s proven himself to be a rock-solid foundation for a heavy-hitting party, holding every last ounce of monster aggro. But that’s not enough to prevent his party from kicking him right out the door! Who needs defense when you’ve got devastating attacks, right? Them, apparently—without their tank, the losses keep piling up! Sieg, on the other hand, lands a job as a gatekeeper at the royal capital and starts rising quickly through the ranks. Can he defend against the hordes of attackers, earn the trust of his squadron and the lovely but quirky ladies within, and untwist the problems of the besieged city—all at the same time?
Defensive powerhouse Sieg works as a gatekeeper at the Royal Capital. He and the Fifth Squadron troublemakers under his command have successfully defended the city against bandit gangs, hordes of undead, vicious monsters, and former allies-turned-demons. Now, the royal family has caught wind of their accomplishments, and the princess, the Oracle of Light, has enlisted their help to escort her on her pilgrimage. So, they’re off on the long journey to the Sacred Spring—and demons are all but guaranteed to attack the Oracle along the way! Will Sieg, Seira, Spinoza, and Fam be able to protect the Oracle on her sojourn, ensuring not only her safety but that of the Orb of Light as well?
Sieg and the Fifth Squadron have defended the Royal Capital against the deadliest of external threats and the most traitorous of internal ones—all in defense of the Orb of Light. This time, they encounter an amnesiac knight by the name of Alma, and before long, she’s made a member of the team. What’s this, though? The neighboring kingdom of Sorcera has declared war on Astaroth?! Well, anyone pitted against the Royal Capital is usually only after one thing—but this time, there’s more at play than meets the eye. As Alma begins to uncover her memories, some shocking secrets about Seira’s past come to light as well!
The Guard Corps of Astaroth has a serious crisis on its hands: the repeated attacks on the Royal Capital have taken their toll, and now they’ve been left with a severe shortage of able-bodied defenders. When Sieg and the Fifth Squadron go out recruiting, they stumble upon Leobolt—who might well be the best swordsman in the kingdom! He seems like the perfect fit for management, but it doesn’t take long for him to start taking his reforms a bit too far. Is the Fifth breaking up?! With some of its members scattered, Sieg rushes off to find Spinoza, and her mysterious origin finally comes to light. Can the team take back the Guard Corps before it’s too late?