The Kingdom of Clays faces a dire crisis: an assassination attempt has just been made on its own Princess Lynneburg, and its neighboring countries eye the aftermath like starving vultures, plotting the Kingdom’s downfall. The ensuing conflict will shape the face of the continent for centuries to come...but Noor doesn’t have a clue about any of that! Having freshly arrived at the royal capital after over a decade of rigorous, isolated training at his mountain home, he’s dead set on achieving his childhood dream of becoming an adventurer, even if the only skills he possesses are useless ones. Sure, he can [Parry] thousands of swords in the span of a single breath, but everybody knows you need more than that if you want to be an adventurer! Our hero’s road to making his dream come true will be long(?) and arduous(?)—but if there’s one thing Noor’s not afraid of, it’s some good ol’ fashioned hard work!
The Kingdom of Clays faces a dire crisis: an assassination attempt has just been made on its own Princess Lynneburg, and its neighboring countries eye the aftermath like starving vultures, plotting the Kingdom’s downfall. The ensuing conflict will shape the face of the continent for centuries to come...but Noor doesn’t have a clue about any of that! Having freshly arrived at the royal capital after over a decade of rigorous, isolated training at his mountain home, he’s dead set on achieving his childhood dream of becoming an adventurer, even if the only skills he possesses are useless ones. Sure, he can [Parry] thousands of swords in the span of a single breath, but everybody knows you need more than that if you want to be an adventurer! Our hero’s road to making his dream come true will be long(?) and arduous(?)—but if there’s one thing Noor’s not afraid of, it’s some good ol’ fashioned hard work!
The Empire’s hidden scheme has finally reared its sinister head. Lynne, Ines, and Noor return to the capital with the demonfolk boy Rolo in tow, only to find the city engulfed in flames, overrun by monsters, and under attack by an ancient calamity. Can our heroes save the Kingdom from certain destruction, or will the Empire’s peerless military might prove to be too much for them? And will Noor ever realize his own strength?!
Her Holy Highness Astirra, the high priestess of Mithra, has invited Lynne to her son’s coming-of-age ball. The troublesome news doesn’t end there, however; the (soon-to-be) man of the hour, Holy Prince Tirrence, claims to be betrothed to the adolescent princess! King Clays suspects a plot, but his hands are tied. Lynne and Rolo must travel to the Holy Theocracy to confront the ghosts of their pasts, with Noor and Ines in tow. Will our four heroes survive their journey in the face of so much mistrust and conspiracy? How good will the catering really be? And those “ghosts” are only figurative...right? How is Noor supposed to fight one without any magic?!
Beneath the Theocracy’s Cathedral, in the deepest stratum of the Dungeon of Lamentation, Noor stumbles across an earth-shattering revelation—one with the potential to turn centuries of history on their head. Meanwhile, his companions work to bring an equally devastating (yet far darker) secret to light. The true form of Holy Mithra and the past of the adventurer known as Astirra are the keys to unlocking the Theocracy’s sinister conspiracy. But will our heroes escape their respective trials alive, or will the Dungeon of Lamentation claim yet another set of victims? Well, you know what they say: when in doubt, [Parry] your way out!
A sinister plot three centuries in the making comes to fruition, and the truth behind Holy Mithra finally rears its monstrous, skeletal head. The earth has shattered and spews forth monsters, the sky has turned the crimson color of blood, and a threat unlike any humanity has seen in millennia blankets the holy city. Our heroes face their greatest trial yet, but even with the help of some unexpected allies, are they truly up to the task? No matter the outcome, one thing’s certain: for Noor, this is bound to be a holiday to remember!
In the Mercantile Free State of Sarenza, lives change hands as freely as coin, and the harsh desert sun beats down on slave and master alike. There, commerce is a cutthroat trade, and merchants are always on the lookout for another easy target. As far as Noor is concerned, it sounds like the perfect travel destination! So how can he say no when a chance to venture there falls into his lap? Bandits, hidden agendas, legendary monsters... What’s all that compared to the sight of the ocean and the greatest markets in the world?
At the invitation of Rashid, eldest son of House Sarenza, Noor and his companions travel to the city forgotten by time, where a series of games will decide the fate of the towns and villages living in poverty under their merchant slavers. Little do our heroes know, they’re stepping into a cutthroat competition where exorbitant sums of money change hands as quickly as a card shark palms an extra pair. Noor can parry anything, but does that include a mountain of gambling debt? Find out in the newest volume of the Sarenza Arc—with an anime adaptation coming soon!
After surviving an enormous crustacean, a life-and-death fight in Sarenza’s colosseum, and a gamblers’ den with all odds stacked against him, Noor finds himself the new owner of a massive entertainment complex, courtesy of the enigmatic Rashid. Meanwhile, the archer Sirene comes closer to uncovering her family’s past. But among the sands of the Mercantile Free State, some truths are better left buried. Our heroes’ journey into foreign lands has just begun, and they’re about to learn that the nation of merchants has far more lurking beneath the surface than they thought. Scheming oligarchs, ancient golems, and even the return of an old foe—Noor and his companions will need to keep their wits about them lest their remains be forever lost to the harsh, scorching desert. Or as Noor would put it: Prepare for a thrill-packed sightseeing trip with perfect, sunny weather!