Lucia Arca was an ordinary, unremarkable laundrymaid in the royal palace. Even her unique magical power, Soap, was boring: it simply created soap bubbles that removed stains. But when she learned one day that Soap could also calm and stop rampaging monsters, the king decreed that Lucia must join the Sacred Maiden and her companions on their quest to cleanse the land and save the world. On a mission to save the world alongside the Sacred Maiden, the famed Dragonslayer, a prodigy magician, and other great heroes, what is an ordinary laundrymaid like Lucia to do? But she learns that even extraordinary heroes are ordinary people, in their own way. A heart-warming romantic comedy featuring an ordinary but earnest heroine!
On a quest to save the world, extraordinary people like the Sacred Maiden, Dragonslayer, and Prince are accompanied by... Lucia, a plain, ordinary laundrymaid with one special spell. After an incident following their cleansing of the first Cristallo Sacro, Lucia and the Knight Celes find themselves separated from the rest of the party! They head to the nearest town to stock up on supplies so they can catch up to the others as soon as possible. But Celes, wanting to hide their identities in this foreign country, tells the villagers that they're freshly eloped newlyweds!? "I can't act like your wife! They'll see right through us!"
After being forced to stop in the Kingdom of Dal Canto, Lucia and her friends continue their journey to purify the Cristallo Sacro and save the world. The party, which had been awkward at first, had finally come together as true companions as they approached their final stop. When Lucia and Maria decide to purify the last tree together, a black dragon with the power to destroy an entire country appears. Lucia manages to purify it, but her Soap disappears along with it!?