In a world where people with supernatural powers, called Blazers, manifest their souls as weapons, Kurogane Ikki dreams of becoming a Mage-Knight. It’s too bad he has no natural talent for it. The whole school ridicules him as the worst Blazer, so color everyone surprised when he suddenly defeats Stella Vermillion, a Rank A Blazer, in a duel. And so begins his fight to the top!
In a world where people with supernatural powers, called Blazers, manifest their souls as weapons, Kurogane Ikki dreams of becoming a Mage-Knight. It’s too bad he has no natural talent for it. The whole school ridicules him as the worst Blazer, so color everyone surprised when he suddenly defeats Stella Vermillion, a Rank A Blazer, in a duel. And so begins his fight to the top!
A month has passed since Ikki and Stella promised to cross swords again at the Seven Stars Battle Festival. But while they’ve won all of their qualifying matches in that time, their relationship hasn’t progressed one bit. To make matters worse, Ikki finds himself taking on a beautiful upperclassman as a disciple, making Stella lose her mind with jealousy. And to top it all off, he winds up challenging the infamous Sword Eater—a Mage-Knight who reached the quarterfinals of the previous year’s Seven Stars Battle Festival—to a duel! Things are heating up for both Ikki’s love life and his dueling career!
With only a few selection matches left to go, Shizuku finds herself up against her mightiest foe yet. In order to stand shoulder to shoulder with her beloved brother, she resolves to surpass her limits and defeat the school’s reigning champion—Toudou Touka, the Thunderbolt. Meanwhile, news of Ikki’s exploits has finally reached the ears of the Kurogane family, and they once again begin to interfere with his life. Will he be able to escape their cowardly machinations and make it in time for his final duel, or will his dream of reaching the Seven Stars Battle Festival end here?!