An immensely powerful and ancient dragon, once worshipped as a god by humans but now only a myth in their eyes, wakes up one day to find a human girl poking around his lair. The infant is barely old enough to say her own name, but is quite confident in calling the dragon “Daddy”! Bewildered by the unexpected visitor, the dragon soon learns that returning her to human civilization isn’t going to be an option...not yet, anyway. He quickly decides to raise the girl himself, determined to give her a happy life that will lead her back to human society when she is older—surely a simple task for a legendary being such as himself. All he needs to do now is find a place for her to sleep. And figure out where he is going to get clothes for her. And...wait, what do humans eat again?
An immensely powerful and ancient dragon, once worshipped as a god by humans but now only a myth in their eyes, wakes up one day to find a human girl poking around his lair. The infant is barely old enough to say her own name, but is quite confident in calling the dragon “Daddy”! Bewildered by the unexpected visitor, the dragon soon learns that returning her to human civilization isn’t going to be an option...not yet, anyway. He quickly decides to raise the girl himself, determined to give her a happy life that will lead her back to human society when she is older—surely a simple task for a legendary being such as himself. All he needs to do now is find a place for her to sleep. And figure out where he is going to get clothes for her. And...wait, what do humans eat again?
The elder dragon and Olivia have settled comfortably into their new life together, along with the Dark Queen Maredia and her loyal retainer Clowria. Daily life is full of excitement and new discoveries for all four of them, but as the years pass, Olivia grows more and more conscious of her isolation from the rest of human society. The solution, proposed by Olivia herself, is easy enough—she wants to go to school! After some brief panic at the thought of Olivia leaving the castle, the dragon finds the perfect school for her. Sure, the entrance exam for nine-year-olds is so difficult that the thousand-year-old Dark Queen can’t manage the practice questions, but only the best will do for a girl as intelligent (and adorable) as Olivia!
With Olivia’s acceptance into the Florence Royal Academy for Girls, an exciting new chapter in her life is about to unfold. While school life promises new friends and new experiences for Olivia, it looks like it’s also going to drag her daddy out into public life. But an even greater challenge awaits him than his first forays into human society: once Olivia starts school, he won’t be able to see her for three whole months! As Olivia faces the many challenges of a brand new life at school, her father must overcome his first experience of loneliness in all his millenia. Three months is an awfully long time to wait, but surely an ancient elder dragon can handle it...right?
With Olivia’s acceptance into the Florence Royal Academy for Girls, an exciting new chapter in her life is about to unfold. While school life promises new friends and new experiences for Olivia, it looks like it’s also going to drag her daddy out into public life. But an even greater challenge awaits him than his first forays into human society: once Olivia starts school, he won’t be able to see her for three whole months! As Olivia faces the many challenges of a brand new life at school, her father must overcome his first experience of loneliness in all his millenia. Three months is an awfully long time to wait, but surely an ancient elder dragon can handle it...right?
After some convincing, Olivia is permitted to become the King’s Pupil without having to leave school. But before her appointment has time to settle, news comes in that the plant she wrote about for her summer project was confirmed to be the plant-acea, long thought extinct. Her first mission as the King’s Pupil is to investigate the location where she found it. However, when Olivia and her classmates return to Mount Olympias to find more of it, things aren’t as they should be. A dark, foreboding aura has settled over the mountain, and there are monsters everywhere! Her priority quickly shifts to finding out exactly what has happened to her home. Meanwhile, news of Olivia’s discovery of the plant-acea has begun to spread, and a certain unsavory individual has taken notice of Olivia’s fame...